SOAPE Principle


The SOAPE principle is recommended for the systematic process of documentation. The letters stand for:
S - Subjective
O - Objective
A - Assessment
P - Plan
E – Education

This principle covers all the necessary steps to create an effective, secure and individual diagnosis .
Following the sequence of the SOAPE principle allows you to creat a consistently systematicly good documentation that can be used to build instructive case reports for training purposes.

S – Subjective (what does the subject report)
  • Signs and symptoms of the patient
  • Relevant medical history
  • Relevant changes before symptoms appear
  • Taking medication
  • Change in drug dose
  • Ssubjective deterioration of visual acuity
  • Foreign body sensation caused by contact lenses wearing
  • The appearance of flying mosquitos
  • quick reading fatigue
  • Dry eye by working on a computer screen
  • Burning eyes after putting on cleaned contact lenses
O – Objective (what does the examiner measure)
  • Performed investigations and examination results based on the subjective information
  • patient-specific data
  • Assessment of the results
  • Discovery of new symptoms / findings
  • Answer to possible questions
  • Slit lamp examination - curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea
  • Examination of the anterior segment of the eye with fluorescein
  • Refraction - change of the prescription (eg minus direction)
  • Indirect ophthalmoscopy - blurred contours of the optic nerve
  • increased intraocular pressure of the eye
  • Foreign body under the contact lens - scratches on the corneal surface during inspection with fluorescein
A – Assessment (wich findings can be detected)
  • Diagnosis based on subjective and objective results
  • requires a high level knowledge of the specialist
  • If necessary, referral to a specialist in other fields (e.g. ophthalmologist, cardiologist, family doctor, ...)
  • Foreign bodie under the contact lens
  • Damage of the contact lenses
  • Keratoconus
  • Presbyopia
  • Solution induced corneal staining
  • Allergy or intolerance to preservatives in lens care products
  • Chamber angle very small / inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber
P – Plan (recommendation / intervention / treatment)
  • Creation of treatment plans
  • Eventual additional test for the evaluation of the treatment access
  • Creation of the follow up visit plan
  • If necessary, referral to a specialist in other fields (e.g. ophthalmologist, cardiologist, family doctor, ...)
  • Change care products (from preserved to unpreserved)
  • To prescribe a near addition
  • Replacement of the contact lens / replacement of the contact lens case
  • Visual training
  • Removal of a foreign body
  • Fitting on Ortho-K Lenses
E – Education (further information and clarification)
  • Additional information for the customer/patient
  • If possible, involve the subject
  • Summary of necessary measures
  • Explanation of the consequences and alternatives that the patient has
  • Monitoring of treatment success
  • Involve the patient in contact lens handling training
  • Each step of placing, removing and cleaning the contact lenses should be performed by the client
  • Offer additional information
  • Offer follow up visit